Wednesday, 23 January 2008

.....going home...

finished at 6 tonight so pretty good considering how stressful the day was and brain still not functioning properly - the problem when you're too tired. Managed to get pages for existing and proposed site analysis done for Parkview school as well as some site photos overlaid with colour to show improvements needed. Panic on Gwent for consultation tomorrow with more diagrams and computers not working properly today.....
have just reworked plan and sections. Yes, I know SUMO, but took on board a couple of points from the marking, so have changed rill so it follows the contours and not quiet so straight and gated off the dell garden so it can open during day - also section showing sandstone basin is a lot shallower so that the material of the stone can be seen. Taking home to render over now and scan in tomorrow then can get on with diagrams.....

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